Sell Custom Conveying equipment China
Time: 2021-02-25
Hit: 131
Custom Conveying equipment China-ALLY Industrial International is a consortium of four companies, forming an upstream and downstream industrial chain. They are: Metal Processing Company: the factory covers area of 30000 square meters and has 70 employees, Business scope: CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, Machining, Welding, Sheet metal processing, Forging, Casting. Rubber Machinery Company: the factory covers area of 50000 square meters and has 130 employees in total including 40 technicians and 15 senior engineers, Main products: Dispersion kneader, Internal mixer, Mixing mill and related production lines. Plastic Machinery Company: the factory covers area of 32000 square meters and has 160 employees, Main products: Film Blowing Machine, three layers co-extrusion lamination FFS heavy duty bags blowing film line,Three layers Co-extruded spinning film set,PE hot Shrink film set, Rubber tire separation film set. Automation Equipment Company: the factory covers area of 16000 square meters and has 40 employees, Main products: Robotic Parts Feeding System, Pick and Place Machine, Conveying Equipment, Conveyor rollers, Movable lift freight elevator, Metal shavings briquetting machine. Our industry solutions have been widely recognized by customers in Japan, United States and Europe.
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